Working on making your house a healthier home? Us too! Here are 5 easy changes we made and they’ve made a HUGE difference!
Thank you to Zevo for sponsoring this post.
We’ve been in our new home for a few months, and I’m proud to say……we’ve achieved one of the big goals we had during this transition. When we moved, I wanted to make some changes in our home products and routines to eliminate toxins and chemicals. Now, to be honest……I’m not exactly a “crunchy” mom. I was worried about changes that were healthier but were just as effective and I was worried about breaking the bank. Products that are inspired by nature tend to be a lot more money, so I took some time to find some that I loved that were also affordable.
Healthier Home: 5 Easy Changes
These simple changes are doable for anyone, and I promise…..are budget friendly!
Toxin Free Cleaning Supplies: I know I talked about this before, but we slowly switched out our cleaning supplies to natural options. From counter spray to dish soap we’ve switched almost everything out. We order our products online and believe it or not……spend just about the same amount as we used to.
Air Purifier: We didn’t use air purifiers in our Los Angeles home, but are testing out using them here. We currently have devices in our living room and bedrooms and are looking at getting a system installed.
Glass Containers: One of our easiest switches? Switching how we store our leftovers. We switched out our plastic containers for glass. They look nicer too, ha! As we slowly switch over to food containers, we also use large mason jars that we already owned. They work just as well!
Insect Control Products with Friendly Ingredients: I know I’ve talked about Zevo products before, we used them in our home in LA ….. and we are loving using them down in San Diego as well (man, there are some BUGS around here)! Zevo’s Insect Control Products use friendly ingredients and are supereffective. Zevo uses bioselective technology in its sprays and traps and takes advantage of unique vulnerabilities in bugs’ biology. Zevo Sprays use nature-inspired active ingredients that effectively kill bugs while being safe for use around people and pets (exactly what we want right?) when used as directed. We use both Zevo’s Instant Action Spray and the Flying Insect Traps. The instant action spray we keep on hand when eating outside while BBQing ….. man do those bugs love to show up while we’re eating! And the Flying Insect Traps? I love that they’re chemical free (they use light and heat technology). We have ours set up at our front and back door, on the porch and in the garage because those are the places where the flying bugs tend to gather.
Organic Produce: While we did buy SOME organic produce, we buy more now. We found a local farm stand where we purchase most of it for a great price. My top discovery: farm stands or farmer’s markets tend to have REALLY good prices on organic produce (especially at end of day).
What changes have you made towards a healthier home?