Wondering about the new live action Mulan? Can your kids watch? Well, we’ve seen it, and I’m giving it to you straight.
Yes, WE SAW IT. The live action Mulan movie is set to release on Disney+, and like most of you…..I wanted to know……is it good for kids? WHY is this movie rated PG-13? Can my daughter watch it? I’ve watched the trailers as they release, and had plans to stay up SUPER late the night it released on Disney+ to watch as soon as possible and then the unexpected happened. I got an email, saying that I was being offered the opportunity to screen Mulan early. So I jumped at the chance. The animated version of Mulan is a classic, and I’m not going to lie…..I’ve been waiting to see the live action version. Would they REALLY do the film justice? Would it translate well to live action? I had heard rumors……there was no Mushu. There’s no singing (that’s right, it’s NOT a musical). There’s some…..WITCH? What was all this? Was it even the same MOVIE? Or are we talking about a totally different Mulan?
Live Action Mulan: Can Kids Watch?
Let’s get the logistical details out of the way here. Mulan is releasing on Disney Plus on September 4 for those who purchase premier access. It costs $29.99. This is not a one time rental. You can watch the movie as many times as you’d like for as long as you are a Disney Plus subscriber.
My Overall Thoughts
Now…..did I love the movie? YES I DID. Is it different than animated version? Yes it is. It’s definitely a grown up film. The movie looks AMAZING, and totally different than any Disney movie I’ve ever seen. It’s dark and vivid and super saturated, and the visuals are stunning. The music plays homage to the original film score and soundtrack in a very mature way. There are little nods to characters from the original, but in a much more subtle fashion.
If you love action movies, this will be your new favorite. If you love girl power movies, you’ll cry. I did, multiple times. In a time when we are all……looking for heroes and waiting on the world to change, this reminded me there is hope. The story is told from the perspective of Mulan’s father, and I loved hearing his narration and thoughts about a changing culture. It was a great take on Mulan’s journey.
Why Is It Rated PG 13?
EPIC BATTLE SCENES. Here’s the thing, imagine the animated Mulan film……brought to life. There are a lot of battle scenes. Well, live action Mulan has more. Is it scary? No. Is it violent? Yes. Do you see heads rolling? Not really, but it’s definitely intense. Beautifully done, and seeing a girl doing these scenes had me on my feet cheering….but, it’s still intense.
Is It Ok for Kids to Watch?
I think it depends on your child. Lydia was a bit bored during the battle scenes (they kind of went over her head). She wasn’t scared or upset. She loved seeing scenes that were reminiscent of the original (like the visit to the matchmaker)…..but the rest was a little mature for her. The beauty of watching this at home? She did some coloring while she watched and was happy as could be. To really get the film? I’d say ages 8 and up. To enjoy it casually? I think five and up….depending on your feelings about them seeing the battle scenes.
All in all? I LOVED THIS MOVIE. I’ve actually already watched it three times. It’s beautifully made.
The girl became a soldier. The soldier became a leader. And the leader….became a legend.
Mulan will be on Disney+ using premiere access on September 4th.
Can’t wait! Great review, my daughter is almost 9 and she loves the Marvel movies so I think from your description she will love this too. Thanks!