Looking for a review on the new Disney+ film? This Flora and Ulysses review will help you to decide what ages the movie is perfect for!
YASSSSSS! The next new release is coming to Disney+ and let’s be honest……we’re all looking for new family friendly entertainment these days. We got to not only preview Flora and Ulysses, but I to sit down with the cast, creators and the author of the book the movie is based on. I’m really excited to share alllll my thoughts on the film adaption, what ages this film is appropriate for, Lydia’s opinion, and even some behind the scenes insight from the Flora and Ulysses cast and crew.
First, the outline. Flora and Ulysses is based on the award winning book Flora and Ulysses by Kate DiCamillo (she also wrote Because of Winn-Dixie and The Tale of Despereaux for my fellow children’s literature fans). The book is an upper elementary school aged book (think grades 3-5) but the plot? Is kid friendly (nothing racy or super mature). The story? Follows Flora (a hardcore comic book fan) and her life as she navigates her parent’s separation. She (no spoilers) befriends a squirrel (Ulysses) who has…..SUPERHERO powers. I promise, there’s more to the story.
Flora and Ulysses Review: A Mom’s Opinion
I have to admit, I wasn’t sure I would love this film, and I wasn’t sure Lydia would either. And man, was I wrong. Lydia’s already watched it three times (and now we’re waiting for regular access so we can watch again). It’s a great combination of fantasy and live action, real life plot line and the cast did an AMAZING job. It’s funny, sweet, and somehow…..makes us fall in love with a squirrel. There are adult plot points that will keep the grownups interested with out being inappropriate for kids…..and there are plenty of fun, and entertaining kids portions that adults will chuckle at. The movie strikes a GREAT balance, and left me wanting to reread the book.
Agewise? I’d say this will be perfect for ages 5 and up, especially kids who love comic books and will truly get all the comic book references.
Dorky teacher recommendation: get the book so you can compare and contrast the film and book version.
Flora and Ulysses: Lydia’s Opinion
“The movie was really funny. I liked seeing Ulysses eat a pop tart and also seeing him FLY! I think a lot kids will like this movie!”
Flora and Ulysses: Behind the Scenes with the Cast
I love love love a book to film adaption, and I had the opportunity to do something unique when working on this Flora and Ulysses review. I got to sit down for a roundtable discussion with Kate DiCamillo (the author) to discuss HER thoughts on the book to film evolution. I loved hearing her thoughts……….
“There’s a part of me that is still surprised to have it become a book……you sit alone in a room and you write these words….and they go out as a book and people connect with it…and then THIS……this seems doubly loaded and meaningful to me to have this movie go out in this time because it it so much about love and connection and the superpower of connecting.”
So my verdict? This movie couldn’t have come at a more perfect time. It’s fun, funny, endearing…..and the family film we all need.
FLORA & ULYSSES is streaming exclusively on Disney+ starting on February 19th