From Runway to Mom Way: How to wear leopard print shoes (or any other leopard item) in REAL life……..Flashback to the year 2000. I’m in my last year of college, have not a care in the world, I go to UCSB (which pretty much means I got a degree in socializing as well as a pre-law degree), and I live in an apartment overlooking the Santa Barbara beach with five of my sorority sisters. Britney Spears is at her peak and Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey’s reality show is our favorite (plus, Dawson’s Creek is on every week). One of our biggest decisions? Which party to attend each night and what to wear. Inspired by Brittney, Jessica, and probably Paris Hilton……our leopard print pants are staples in our college wardrobes (complimented by our 20 year old thighs and flat stomachs).
Anyone else? Anyone? Somehow, after the hazy college years…..I was a little worried about leopard print anything. I felt like there was no happy medium from Brittney Spears to Peg Bundy (and was pretty sure I didn’t want to take wardrobe inspiration from either one). So, not gonna lie…..I’ve avoided leopard like the plague for years. Even during the whole leopard is a neutral trend, I barely dipped my toe into the leopard pool (mostly by experimenting with leopard print shoes).
Shop my Outfit:
/ turtleneck (deal version for under $22)/ denim skirt / necklace / leopard print loafers /
pictures by Cindy Green Photo
From Runway to Mom Way: Leopard Print Shoes
Ok, so here’s the deal. I’m not the only one, right? Who loves looking at fun fashion trends in glossy magazines….but in real life need clothes are both fashionable and functional? I swoon over fancy bags, glossy heels, and dry clean only blouses….but just can’t justify spending a million dollars on stuff that will just take up space in my closet. In real life, I need flattering pieces that I can wear multiple times. I need items that can be mixed and matched, and I need items that don’t look ridiculous on a playdate. Enter From Runway to Mom Way. Each season, I’ll be sharing a couple fun fashion trends and how you can wear them in real life. I promise, nothing ridiculously expensive or uncomfortable. I get it. It’s just not realistic.
Leopard print everything has been all over the runways for the last few years. I even invested in a cool leopard print jacket, but honestly? It looks a little silly walking up to teach elementary school in a jacket that is better suited for leaving a club. Does this mean I’m not cool anymore? Probably. But, I hit up playgrounds on a Saturday morning and aim to be in bed by 9 pm on a nightly basis… I’m pretty sure that ship already sailed.
Enter my version of the leopard print trend. Accessories and accent pieces mixed with basics. From these comfy leopard print shoes (for under $30) to a leopard scarf to a simple leopard print beanie……my rules are the same. One flashy item paired with solids and neutrals. Leopard and stripes? A little scary. Leopard and leather or suede? Scarily close to Peg Bundy. Leopard print shoes paired with denim and a simple black turtleneck? Hip without looking silly.Want to try the leopard trend? With leopard print shoes or any other leopard item:
- pick one leopard statement piece
- pair it with denim, black, white, blush, tan or other neutrals
- keep it classic, think day not night
So give me your thoughts mamas. Did I make it from Runway to Mom Way? Would YOU wear leopard print shoes like these? If so and you think other mamas will love this look too, feel free to share this fun Runway to Mom Way on Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest using the buttons below!
Just bought some print slip on sneakers and I think they work well with classic basic tee and jeans. Also wear my N&S earrings (leopard) ALL the time!!
I’ve been wanting to pull the trigger on their leopard earrings for months, they’re so CUTE!
With a simple black maxi perfection!